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DANIELLA ☘️☘️☘️( RIGA-... | +371 2692 9604

Age: 26; Height: 170; Weight: 58; Bust: 2

Services: Massage, Oral, Classical,

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ROYAL VIP profile valid until: 19.02.2025 22:28

ID 1559    1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
☎️MELISA ☎️ ☎️Your sexy goddess
Riga, Center
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REGN 1559

the number (+371) 1881 Text message fee 0.60 EUR
Call and say that thanks to the portal You found her!
Age:  27
Height:  168
Weight:  48
Bust:  2
English Rrussian
Massage Other
Profile is not paid
If you are searching for a no strings attached relationship with a company that is both intelligent and beautiful... then you've found me! Maybe you call me think of me the next time you find yourself traveling alone for work or pleasure or just want to do something special of yourself for a few hours or more! I WORK 00-24. Если вам нужна компания и отношения без обязательств - то вы нашли меня!Я умная и красивая! Может быть вы думаете обо мне ,когда отдыхаете один?Если хотите сделать что-то особенное для себя ,в течении нескольких часов и более! 00-24.
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REGB 1559 1881 Picking up a profile to the first place and extend by 15 days 2.00 EUR
REGV 1559 1881 Vip profile for 5 days and picking up a profile to the first place 4.90 EUR
REGSL 1559 1881 Slide Show(image rotation in profile) 7 days 1.00 EUR
REGS1 1559 1881 Royal Vip profile for 1 day 2.00 EUR
REGS7 1559 1881 Royal Vip profile for 7 days 8.50 EUR
profile valid until:
06.01.2015 15:07


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Individualki Rigi