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☘️ ☘️EVA REAL | +371 2051 5527

Vecums: 27; Augums: 166; Svars: 52; Krūtis: 2

Pakalpojumi: Masāža,

Apraksts: Hello guys and men !!! I have an elegant appearance, good manners, and I, too, are sexy, ...

ROYAL VIP anketa aktīva līdz: 08.02.2025 3:04

ID 4492    1  2  3  4 
Rīga, Centrs
Anketa nav apmaksāta
Saņem meitenes kontaktus! Sūti SMS
REGN 4492

uz numuru (+371) 1881 SMS cena 0.60 EUR
Zvani un saki, ka pateicoties portālam esi viņu atradis!
Vecums:  25
Augums:  175
Svars:  70
Krūtis:  0
Angļu Franču Itāļu
Masāža Striptīzs Orālais Klasiskais Citi
Anketa nav apmaksāta
I am a young woman of 25 years old and I am of Italian origin. I welcome you to offer you an unforgettable moment of relaxation and relaxation in my company.
I have soft skin, sensual lips that you will enjoy kissing. I am gentle and offer you your best GFE experience. I attach great importance to the pleasure of the other and I am full of energy. I know how to be Caline, Naughty or even more tigress according to your desire.
I like to take my time with courteous and generous gentlemen. If like me you like to relax, laugh and have a good time in respect and hygiene then contact me. You will not be disappointed my photos are recent and 100% real.
Not answering my calls during my appointments out of respect, do not hesitate to send me an sms if I do not answer the phone so that I will contact you as soon as I am free.
I reserve the right to choose my clients.
See you soon.
Anketa skatīta
Šodien 1 reizes
Vakar 0 reizes
Šomēnes 5 reizes
Pavisam 3291 reizes
klasiskais, anālais, sekss

Apmaksā un rediģē savu anketu.
SMS Numurs Darbība Cena
REGB 4492 1881 Pacelt anketu uz pirmo vietu un pagarināt par 15 dienām 2.00 EUR
REGV 4492 1881 VIP status 5 dienām un pacelt anketu uz pirmo vietu 4.90 EUR
REGSL 4492 1881 Slide Show (bilžu rotācija profilā) 7 dienas 1.00 EUR
REGS1 4492 1881 SUPER VIP status 1 dienai 2.00 EUR
REGS7 4492 1881 SUPER VIP status 7 dienām 8.50 EUR
anketa aktīva līdz:
01.01.1970 0:00


Skaistas prostitūtas. Prostitūta. Kailu meiteņu foto. Masāža. Minets.

Klasiskais Anālais.

Skaistas meičas.


Iepazīšanās seksam. Randiņš seksam.

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